What is That Dirty Film in the Inside Of My Windshield?
Ever wonder why your windows always seem to have a dirty film on the inside of them that just won’t come off?
What’s Happening & Why?
Vehicle interiors create the ideal atmosphere for building up film on the inside of windows. Cigarette smoke, condensation, and dust blend in a closed, hot interior to form a “cloud” that eventually coats the windows. The hotter the weather, the quicker the film builds up.
In new vehicles, evaporation of materials (used in the manufacturer of various plastic and vinyl interior components) also contributes to this film.
This phenomenon, called “outgassing,” is common to all new vehicles, it’s also what gives a new vehicle that “new-car smell.” As the vehicle ages, the outgassing diminishes.
What Can Be Done?
Keeping the inside of the vehicle cooler reduces the buildup of this film. We recommend parking the vehicle in the shade or using a sun shade, leaving the windows down slightly when parked, and insulating the dashboard with a dash cover. We’ve also found that a solution of one part white vinegar to ten parts water is the best for cleaning the film off the inside of vehicle windows.
Note: Dirty film on windows impairs the effectiveness of the defroster. Regular window cleaning is recommended especially during cool weather to help the defroster more quickly clear off the condensation or “fog” that appears.